Revolutionizing Player Development.

Advanced Techniques l Strategic Gameplay l Specialized Drills l Intense Physical Conditioning




At Elite Soccer Performance, we’re always expanding our amenities to meet the needs of our community. Something you’d like to see added to our list? Email us!

6,000 sq. ft. Facility

Training Area

Weight Room

Care and Treatment Room

Engaging Classes & Camps

Board Certified Physical Therapist

Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

4v4 Game Rental

Turf Rental

Gym Rental


Our approach to building an Elite Athlete is rooted in sports science. Using our systematic approach, our four phase training system optimizes performance and minimizes risk of injury.

We integrate scientific principles, research and evidence-based practices when measuring an athletes progress. Our coaches are trained in providing purposeful feed back to engage, guide, motivate and build our atheletes.

  • The goal of Athletic Development at Elite Soccer Performance is to enhance an athlete's athletic performance, prevent injuries, and optimize their potential. We focus on enhancing balance, speed, agility, and strength. We also educate our athletes on proper nutrition and the importance of rest and recovery.

  • Phase Two focuses on Technical Development of our Elite. This is the process of improving their technical skills and abilities. It involves honing their proficiency in various fundamental and advanced techniques, such as passing, shooting, dribbling, ball control, tackling, crossing, heading, and volleys.

    To achieve technical development, soccer athletes engage in targeted training exercises and drills that focus on specific skills. These activities aim to enhance their ability to execute these techniques effectively and efficiently during matches. Coaches and trainers play a crucial role in providing guidance, feedback, and correction to help athletes refine their techniques and improve their overall performance on the field.

    Technical development also involves developing a deep understanding of the game, including tactical awareness, decision-making, and positioning. This allows athletes to apply their technical skills in a strategic and effective manner during gameplay.

    Overall, the technical development of a soccer athlete is a continuous process that requires dedicated practice, coaching, and a commitment to improving their skills and abilities in order to excel in the sport.

  • Phase Three focuses in on Tactical Development and Soccer I.Q. This refers to a player's understanding, awareness, and decision-making ability within the game of soccer. It encompasses a player's tactical knowledge, spatial awareness, anticipation, and ability to make quick and effective decisions on the field.

    Our Elite Athletes can read the game well, anticipate the movements of teammates and opponents, and make intelligent decisions based on the situation at hand. These players have a deep understanding of the game's strategies, formations, and systems, allowing them to position themselves effectively, create scoring opportunities, and contribute to the overall success of the team.

    Developing this involves studying the game, analyzing match footage, learning from experienced players and coaches, and gaining practical experience through regular game play. It is an essential aspect of a player's development, as it enables them to make informed decisions, adapt to different game situations, and contribute effectively to their team's performance.

  • The psychological development of our Elite Athletes refers to the growth and enhancement of their mental and emotional skills and abilities in relation to the sport. It involves developing a strong mindset, mental resilience, and emotional control to optimize performance and cope with the challenges and pressures of competitive soccer.

    Psychological development in soccer includes various aspects such as:

    1. Mental toughness: Building mental resilience, determination, and the ability to stay focused and perform under pressure.

    2. Confidence: Developing self-belief and a positive mindset to perform at one's best and overcome setbacks or failures.

    3. Concentration: Enhancing the ability to maintain focus and concentration during training and matches, blocking out distractions.

    4. Goal setting: Setting realistic and achievable goals to provide motivation and direction for improvement.

    5. Visualization and imagery: Utilizing mental imagery techniques to mentally rehearse skills, strategies, and successful performances.

    6. Emotional control: Managing emotions such as anxiety, frustration, and stress to maintain composure and make rational decisions on the field.

    7. Resilience and coping skills: Developing strategies to bounce back from setbacks, handle criticism, and maintain a strong mental state.

    Psychological development in soccer is often supported by sports psychologists, coaches, and trainers who provide guidance, mental skills training, and support to help athletes develop a strong mental game. It plays a crucial role in maximizing an athlete's potential, enhancing performance, and promoting overall well-being in the sport.


598 Deming Road Berlin, CT 06037